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Complete Business Travel Checklist for Saudi Arabia

Complete Business Travel Checklist for Saudi Arabia

The Business Travel Checklist Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia, known officially as Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is known to be a supreme and the biggest Arab state within the western part of Asia, which comprise of a mass of Arabian Peninsula, and is the second biggest state within the Arab world. Among the countries bordering Saudi Arabia include: Jordan and Iraq in the northeastern and north coast, Qatar, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates in the east, and Bahrain. The land area for Saudi Arabia is approximately 2,250,000 km2(870,000 sq mi). it is population is estimated to consist of 27 million citizens, of which the ones registered as foreign expatriates are 9 million. The illegal immigrants are approximately 2 million. The nationals of Saudi are approximately 16 million people. The founder of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was Abdul-Aziz bin Saud in 1932, though the conquests that led eventually into formation of the Kingdom started in 1902. Saudi Arabia is known to be the only country that has both the Persian Golf coast and the red Sea coast and many of its terrains comprise of mountains and arid desert droughts.

The Travel Checklist

Getting ready to visit a different nation comprise a lot than just packing. If one fails to plan earlier, there may be a lot of difficulties when someone arrive (or being denied access to the country). The most significant whenever one is planning to go to a different nation is timing The travel checklist is important since it ensures that one to ensure that you do almost everything in advance and have knowledge about deadlines for getting every item done.

Essentials of Business Checklist for Saudi Arabia

What to pack for Saudi Arabia

Travel Documents

It is very significant to keep the travel documents organized well and put them in a safe place while travelling. The great way to store the documents is through the travel organizers while on the journey. The entire documents of travel except the travel documents copies should be kept separately each time. you may probably require the items below for the journey to Saudi Arabia

  • Booking confirmations and travel tickets
  • The Business Travel Itinerary
  • Saudi Arabia visa and Passport
  • The medical card
  • The business travel policy of insurance
  • Updated international card for vaccination card
  • Driving license (if doing the driving)
  • Directions and Maps
  • Frequent flyer card
  • Payment cards and Travel money (credit/debit / prepaid currency cards)
  • Photocopy of the entire travel documents
  • Emergency contact information

Business cards and corporate card

It is important to carry the business essentials, such as expenses and networking on any business trip. Ensuring that you replenish the supply of your business cards prior to the business trip. You might not know anyone you may meet and want to ensure they reach you.

Dress Code

It is not a secret that the culture of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is just conservative and you might need to conform to ensure you stay away from getting involved in any trouble. You might see westernized clothes in shops though is rarely worn while in public.   However, it is expected that men wear pants that are long whereas the women are required to wear the abaya, or a wide, long dress when going outside. You may consider, on a daily basis, some modest clothes for the sake of when invited to any local or house family. It is more probable that the Arabians will be so grateful for the modest dressing, meaning no strapless or short tops or anything of such sort.  Just try to look presentable – they Arabian way. However, all that might depend certainly on the individuals you intend to visit, whether those people are conservative to the culture or not, though it might just be useful to keep in mind the differences in culture.

Electronics And Gadgets

Making a visit to Saudi Arabia for a business visit will be the same to any business travel whereby any business travelers today carry with them the small portable office. It is essential to have a the wheeled carryon stuff of good quality for the business travels. This will assist you remain organized and working while on the way will be easier.  Among the electronics suggested include:

  • Charger and mobile phone
  • ipad or Laptop and charger
  • Plug converter and Adaptor (if diverse electrical standard)
  • Kit for Laptop accessories, including the numeric –entry keypad, USB hub, USB adopter, mouse.
  • Extension cord
  • Alarm clock (alternatively you might use the mobile phone)
  • eBook reader
  • CD or iPod player, including the headphones to use while listening to music
  • Digital camera, including an additional memory card as well as the battery charger.

Map and Travel Guide

Just like you must do when visiting any foreign nation, bring the travel guide and a map. Months or even weeks prior to the trip, review the Saudi Arabia map. Put your focus on the place you intend to stay, but look at the environment also, the villages, towns and the streets. Saudi Arabia is never a fun area for one to get lost. The travel guides will help to ease access to the best hotels, restaurants, and the most rated activities for tourists. The travel magazines and books are great travelers’ resources.

Health and Toiletries

It is quiet personal which health and toiletries related products individuals carry for their trips. The business packing list for travel help remind you concerning the major items that you may refer to carry. However, it is sensible to minimize the toiletries when packing, especially  when flying only with the carryon luggage.  Among the items needed include:

  • Your ideal toiletries (i.e. deodorant, toothbrush, shampoo, etc.)
  • Hair dryer ( for a lady, which you can likely access decided to stay in the business hotel)
  • Brush or Comb
  • Shaving equipments (if relevant)
  • Small mirror
  • Clippers, Nail file, tweezers
  • Cotton swabs
  • Feminine products for hygiene (if applicable)
  • Antibacterial wipes for the hand
  • Small kit for first aid
  • Sunscreen lotion
  • A repellent for Insects (if applicable)
  • Tablets for Malaria (this will be fit if you intend to travel to malaria infested region)
  • OTC medicines and Prescription (if applicable)
  • Contraceptives (if relevant)
  • Contact lenses / Glasses (if applicable)

Saudi Arabia Travel Advice

Business Hours

The Saudi Arabia business hours differ in different areas of the nation. The companies of Saudi normally close their companies for 2 to 4 hours during afternoon and stay open all through during early evening. The retail stores are closed for noon prayer and are reopened at around 4:00 P.M., staying often up to late evening. The usual workweek operates from Sunday all through Thursday. Friday comprise of the weekly Muslim holy day.

Work Week:
Businesses: 08:00 – 12:00 and
U.S. Embassy: 08:00 – 17:00 Sun.- Thurs.
Saudi Government: 08:00 – 14:30 Sun. – Thurs.
U.S. Embassy: 08:00 – 17:00 Sun.- Thurs.
Banks: 09:00 – 17:00 Sun. – Thurs.
Businesses: 08:00 – 12:00 and 16:00 – 20:00 Sun. – Thur.
NOTE: the opening hours during Ramadan involves some changes. The opening times vary based on the location and season within the country.

Public holidays

The Saudi Arabia business hours differ in different areas of the nation. The companies of Saudi normally close their companies for 2 to 4 hours during afternoon and stay open all through during early evening. The retail stores are closed for noon prayer and are reopened at around 4:00 P.M., staying often up to late evening. The usual workweek operates from Sunday all through Thursday. Friday comprise of the weekly Muslim holy day.

Work Week:
Businesses: 08:00 – 12:00 and
U.S. Embassy: 08:00 – 17:00 Sun.- Thurs.
Saudi Government: 08:00 – 14:30 Sun. – Thurs.
U.S. Embassy: 08:00 – 17:00 Sun.- Thurs.
Banks: 09:00 – 17:00 Sun. – Thurs.
Businesses: 08:00 – 12:00 and 16:00 – 20:00 Sun. – Thur.
NOTE: the opening hours during Ramadan involves some changes. The opening times vary based on the location and season within the country.


The Saudi Arabia climate, of desert type, might be excessively hot, though it slightly differ depending upon the place. For instance all through the year is warm on west coast and east coast, and more humidity during summer, and in winter there is a dry weather.

Within the heart of the nation, there is a very hot weather during summer, during winter is quite cool, and it permanently remain dry. During spring, the rainfall occurs. However, the best time for one to visit Saudi is between the months of November and March. The months of April and October are still tolerable months, though discovering the nation will be okay between the months of May and September.

Restrictions for foreigners in Saudi Arabia

The authorities of Saudi have made an announcement that the Muslims who do not hold the Umrah and Hajj Visa might not be allowed to enter into Saudi Arabia through Madina or Jeddah airports at the time of Hajj. Those allowed are the people holding the Saudi permits of residence. However, these laws do not apply to anyone entering the country through different international airports.

For the non-Muslim visitor, you might be required to answer some questions regarding the reason for your trip or show e prove of the appointment before being permitted to fly to Jeddah. The British resident who are in Saudi Arabia require a legal re-entry or exit permit from Interior Ministry of Saudi to go out of the country.

Female business travel to Saudi Arabia

The Saudi Arabia travelers’ facilities may be very lavish, though the women intending to travel in Saudi Arabia ought to be aware about the customs and social practices that they are conservative and are based on the law of Islam. Therefore, It is necessary to first study about the customs and the correct behavior prior to starting the trip. The women travelling in Saudi Arabia have to note the following about women in Saudi:

Not being in a position to travel alone

In some circumstances, the women ought to travel together with the male colleague since a woman is not allowed to walk alone in the streets without being accompanied by a man.

 Checklist for Female Saudi Arabia Business Travelers Restaurants

Most of the restaurants within Saudi are for men, though with an area for family to the side.

 Checklist for Female Saudi Arabia Business Travelers Business dress (optional).

For a women intending to travel to Saudi, it might be important to note that it is a must for a woman to wear the abaya at all time, which is contrary to the many usual typical setting of the business. Also, it would be necessary to note that one does not require to worry much concerning deciding to repeat the outfit, since nobody will concentrate on it.


Saudi Arabia Business Culture

Overview of Saudi Business Culture

For a business women who intends to visit Saudi, she ought to be ready to make visits frequently, as the business there is based on the individual relationships in culture of Arabs, and face-to-face gatherings are preferred. Business and friendship are interlinked and the connections are based on the mutual reciprocity and mutual benefit of favours.

The business women should also note that appointments are made in advance, with the time scheduled regarded anot as fixed but approximate because of the relaxed conservation of time withi Saudi.

Both the women and men ought to dress in a modesty manner for meetings, making sure that all the body is covered. The people from western culture ought not to wear any native clothing since it can be taken as offensive.

Saudi Arabia Business Culture

By stripping away the noise surrounding Saudi country as a whole and try to examine the basics around the size of Saudi economy, personal wealth, demographics, and consumerism attitude, then Saudi nation will begin to sound like a great nation where one can carry out business in. there is an increasingly and large population in Saudi that is predominantly aspirational and youthful. They are in need of purchasing whatever you have for selling.

Conversely, Saudi might be a notoriously complex area for a one to do business in. however, if planning to carry out business within Saudi, it will be necessary to first study the cultural approach of Saudi to business prior to arriving in-country. Also, you ought to have knowledge concerning religion’s role and also the role of kinship within any dealings of the business in the Kingdom. Also, you ought to respect to the above two pillars of business.

Business practices

  • Social customs

It is necessary for the Westerners who carry out their businesses in Saudi to first have knowledge the personal manner and etiquette connected to their businesses. The basic knowledge and preparation of the culture of Saudi business, may bring about a difference between the failed negotiator and the successful business. However, it will be very significant for the business person to note that most of the business executives in Saudi and the officials for government have have worked abroad and studied, mostly in the United States. Therefore, they are familiar with the Western culture. They have then been able to understand the differing business approach, given that the Saudi customs are respected.

Some executives for Saudi businesses and the officials might look reluctant in scheduling particular meeting after arriving in the Kingdom. The business visitors ought to inform their hosts from Saudi about their plans for travel and the agenda.

  • How to greet

Usually, the Saudi Arabians shake their hands while greeting any foreign visitors. It is also important to note that you ought to shake hands with everybody present, and beginning from the senior most person and proceeding in the room in an anti-clockwise direction.

  • Working women

One would be impressed to know that the women in Saudi are allowed to get employed, although some particular criteria ought to be followed, including:

  • Firstly ther guardian (can be the husband, brother, father, brother or the son) ought to permit you to work in Saudi. Failing to get permisiion from the guardian, then you cannot be allowed to work.
  • Women and Men are permitted to work alongside each other, though your employer should adhere to particular criteria. Aas per the Saudi labour law, the women are permitted to work within the Kingdom though their office should meet particular criteria: separate bathrooms should be separate for women and men, the security organization and the private rooms for lunch for women for them to pray in. by failing to follow the above laws, the company will face some penalties.
  • Communication in Saudi Arabia

The styles of communication in Saudi Arabia are often direct and courteous, with great significance placed on protecting the dignity for someone through avoiding refusals or disagreements. People highly value the modesty, so it will be necessary to avoid making claims that are exaggerated.

  • Structure & hierarchy

The business in Saudi Arabia is hierarchical, and the making of decisions are centered at the top most level of the organization. Often the decision-maker is the individual who normally does not talk a lot during a meeting, though will observe everything being done closely.

  • Do & don’t

What to do

Whenever you meet anyone on Saudi Arabia grounds, ensure your greetings involve Asalam-O-Alaiku ( peace be upon you) as they shake hand and reply if welcomed by the same greeting with Waliku-Asalam (meaning, and peace be with you).

When you go to a holy place like living rooms or mosques, ensure you remove the shoes unless or until you are told not to. Ensure you observe all your hosts making sure you always keep this to be a common act. Ensure you address any people by Mr. then followed by the Family Name. the other respectable credentials, which might be used include Sheikh, Haji. Also, ensure that as you reside within Saudi Arabia, you be a defensive driver since it is very important. This link would help explain any procedure whenever there is a accident that has occurred.

What not to do

One cannot freely do anything that he feels like doing in Saudi Arabia. One is bound by the regulations and laws that failing to follow will force him to being imprisoned, deported or on the worst case cases, subjected to death sentence.

Drinking alcohol in Saudi is not allowed and if found, one will be jailed by police or any other authorities concerned. Smoking during Ramadan particularly during broad daylight time, one will be subjected to custody. By whatever means, you should know also that no one is allowed to start his liquor business.

In order to avoid penalties, you might need to carry with you, the Iqama and if found without, you risk being deported. As a woman, one is not allowed to be in the vehicle’s driving seat. Literally, the women in Saudi cannot be allowed to mix in any social gatherings and therefore, many Saudi Men normally avoid bringing along their wives.


In summary, for any business person who wants to travel to Saudi Arabia, one should be very keen with the travel checklist. This is because if one fails to plan earlier, there may be a lot of difficulties when someone arrive (or being denied access to the country). The most significant whenever one is planning to go to a different nation is timing The travel checklist is important since it ensures that one to ensure that you do almost everything in advance and have knowledge about deadlines for getting every item done. In addition, one should ensure that he does thorough study concerning what he is supposed to do while in Saudi Arabia and also to look keenly at what he is not supposed to do. This will help one avoid being arrested and to avoid the penalties too.

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