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Saudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist

Saudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist

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Saudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist

KSA Visa Document Checklist Summary

Please see checklists below for each document type, along with the most common errors related to that document. We request that this is reviewed before sending the application to us to avoid Saudi visa rejections or delays.

Checklist Summary

DocumentChecklist Reviewed and Completed
Letter of invitationSaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
Proof of relationshipSaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
Parental Consent FormSaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
Visa application formSaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
PassportSaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
PhotographSaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
Additional informationSaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist

Letter of Invitation Checklist

Requirement: Letter of invitation

Check List Points
1. This must always be a MOFA Letter on invitation(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)Saudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
2. Addressed to the KSA Embassy in LondonSaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
3. Section ‘job title/ job relation’ on family LOI says ‘personal relation’Saudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
4. Full name of the applicant (typo in the first or middle name is ok, typo in surname will cause rejection)Saudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
5. Nationality on LOI same as the PPT provided for the visa processSaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
6. Double check PPT number on LOI (if incorrect enjaz will refuse to process the visa)Saudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist

Common Mistakes

1. PPT number on LOI and in actual PPT do not match
2. Wrong nationality
3. Document sent by applicant is in fact not a MOFA LOI but a REQUEST for a MOFA LOI (not valid)
4. Letter addressed to Dublin, Abu Dhabi or other city not in the UK

Proof of Relationship

Check List Points

1. A document that links the applicant to the relative living or working in Saudi (Saudi sponsor)Saudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
i.e. Birth Certificate, Marriage Certificate, Civil Registry, Deed Poll (change of name) etc.Saudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
2. If the relationship is more complicated than every link between the two people has to be proved separately, Please see examples belowSaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
Applicant: Son Saudi sponsor: Father – we need a birth certificate of the son with the father’s name on it
Applicant: Son, Saudi sponsor: Father who changed his last name – we need birth certificate of the son and father’s deed pool
Applicant: Husband, Saudi sponsor: Sister of the applicant’s wife – we need marriage certificate relating husband to his wife, birth certificate of the wife and birth certificate of her sister (sponsor)- these 2 birth certificates have to show that the two ladies had same parents
Applicant: Grandson, Saudi sponsor: Grandmother (father’s side) – we need child’s birth certificate linking him to his father and birth certificate of the father linking him to his own mother in Saudi (the grandmother of the child)
Applicant: Cousin, Saudi sponsor: Cousin (their mothers are sisters) – we need two birth certificates of both mothers showing they had same parents and two birth certificates of both cousins showing they are children of their mothers (the sisters)
Applicant: Daughter who changed name after marriage, Saudi sponsor: Father – we need birth certificate of the daughter that shows the name of the father and her marriage certificate to explain change of her last name to her husband’s
3. All documents proving the relation written in ENGLISH for family visit HAVE TO BE ORIGINALS AND BE STAMPED BY FCOSaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
4. All documents proving the relation written in ANY OTHER FOREIGN LANGUAGE for family visit has to be translated BY A CERTIFIED TRANSLATION COMPANY INTO ENGLISH + STAMPED BY SOLICITOR + FCOSaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
5. When submitting family visa the original proof of relation document HAVE TO BE SUBMITTED STAMPED TO THE PPT otherwise it will be kept by the embassy and NOT RETURNEDSaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
6. A copy of the same proof of relation document HAVE TO BE PHOTOCOPIED and included INSIDE ENJAZ

Common Mistakes

1. The relation is only partially proved (no links connecting all people involved in between applicant and sponsor)Saudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
2. Proof of relation is a COPY of original document, but the applicant never sent originalSaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
3. Proof of relation hasn’t been approved by the FCOSaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
4. Including original proof of relation stamped by FCO inside enjaz (it will be shredded at the embassy immediately after processing the visa and will not be returned)Saudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
5. Including only original proof of relation stapled to the PPT but without a copy inside the enjaz documents.Saudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist

Parent Consent Form

Requirement: Parent Consent Form

Check List Points
1. All children under 16 years old travelling to Saudi WITH THEIR FATHER DO NOT NEED a parental consent formSaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
2. All children under 16 years old travelling to Saudi WITHOUT THEIR FATHER ( i.e. with their mother or other guardian) but to visit HIM in Saudi Arabia DO NOT NEED a parental consent formSaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
3. All children under 16 years old travelling to Saudi WITHOUT THEIR FATHER ( i.e. with their mother or other guardian) and to visit other member of family (NOT HIM) in Saudi Arabia HAVE TO include a parental consent form inside their enjaz documents when being submitted at the embassySaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
4. The parental consent form have to state that both parents give permission and consent for their child to travel to KSASaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
5. The parental consent form have to be signed by both parents (original ink signatures) and stamped by solicitorSaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist

Common Mistakes

1. Parental consent form is a scan or is missing solicitor’s stampSaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
2. Parental consent form is signed only by one parentSaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist

Family Visa Application Form Checklist

Requirement: Saudi Arabia Visa Application Form Checklist

Check List Points
Full nameSaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
Current nationalitySaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
Previous nationalitySaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
Marital StatusSaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
ReligionSaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
UK addressSaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
Saudi addressSaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
Point of entry into Saudi ArabiaSaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
Proposed departure dateSaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist

Common Mistakes

1. No previous nationality stated, BUT place of birth is in a different country than current PPT (call the client)Saudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
2. No previous nationality stated but name or accent look/ sounds foreign (call the client)Saudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
3. No religion stated but country of origin is known as Islamic (call the client – we cannot assume religion)Saudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
4. European name but religion stated as Islam (needs Islam conversion certificate)Saudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
5. Muslim name but religion stated as N/A (call the client – we cannot assume religion)Saudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
6. Arabic sounding name but religion stated as Non-Muslim (needs conversion certificate from a Church)Saudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
7. No marital status (call the client – we cannot assume if someone is married or not)Saudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
8. UK address missing (check the back of the PPT in the emergency details, if not call the client)Saudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
9. Saudi address – you can also find it on ESL or LOI (sponsor details)Saudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
10. Departure date – you can also find it on ESL under ‘travel date’Saudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist

Passport Checklist

Requirement: Passport

Check List Points
1. Valid for more than 6 monthsSaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
2. Two empty, adjacent pagesSaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
3. Not damagedSaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
4. No Israeli stampSaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
5. No current Saudi visa (if there is one they need a cancellation letter)Saudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist

Common Mistakes

1. Two empty pages BUT not next to each otherSaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
2. Two empty pages with one small stamp (they think it’s good enough)Saudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
3. Current Saudi visa and no cancellation letter providedSaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist

Photograph Checklist

Requirement: Photographs

Check List Points
1. Bad quality is not a problemSaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
2. They have to be taken against plain backgroundSaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
3. Face has to be visibleSaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist

Check List Points

1. Photographs not included at allSaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
2. Very dark so the face is not visible enough after scanningSaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
3. Niqab covering the entire faceSaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist

Additional Information Checklist

Requirement: Additional Information Checklist

Check List Points
1. Utility bill dated within 3 months – for NON UK applicants from within EU (council tax, gas, electricity, phone etc.)Saudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
2. Residency card – a plastic pink and blue card giving permission to work and live in the UK for applicants from outside EUSaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
3. UK visa or UK entry stamp in the PPT – can be provided instead of residency permit for a non UK and non EU nationalSaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
4. Visa cancellation letter – have to be provided if the applicant has a valid Saudi visa in ANY of their PPTsSaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
5. Flight details for all applicants with current or previous SYRIAN, IRAQI or PERSIAN (Iran) nationalitySaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
6. Islam conversion certificate (for Muslim applicants from non-Islamic countries with European names)Saudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
7. Certificate of baptism from a Church (for non-Muslim applicants from Islamic countries with Arab names)Saudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
8. Rapid Visas checklist (after checking to be discarded)Saudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist

Common Mistakes

1. Utility bill is very oldSaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
2. Utility bill provided by a national from outside EU (i.e. Sudan) – not enough for the visa purposeSaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
4. We received a copy of the residency card, but only one side (both sides are needed for the visa)Saudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
6. The applicant has his UK visa in old, expired PPT (we need that PPT to be submitted alongside the current one)Saudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
7. The current Saudi visa is in a different PPT that the applicant provided us with, didn’t send a cancellation letterSaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
7. The current Saudi visa is in a different PPT that the applicant provided us with, didn’t send a cancellation letterSaudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
Sometimes clients think they are allowed one visa in each PPT the own. THIS WILL CAUSE A REJECTION.Saudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist
They have to cancel ANY previous but not expired visas in all their PPTs in order to be granted a new one.Saudi Arabia Family Visit Visa Checklist

If there are any queries regarding any items from the checklist, please contact us so that we can assist accordingly.

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